NY Design Group is a domain name registrar (domain name registration business). We can set you up with your domain name right away. We will do the search for you to see if your domain name is available.
What is a domain name? Domain Names are really IPs which are stings of numbers. Humans have problems remembering these strings, so each string of numbers is set up with a domain name, example www.nydesigngroup.com.
Domain names need to be purchased in yearly intervils. Most of our clients select thier domain names for only one year at a time. So, if you fall into this category you will need to renew your domain name each year.
It is now second nature if you have a business you must have a website. The first step is to register a domain name that suits your business, services, location, or products. You can have more than one domain name for one website. The main domain will be where your emails will be coming in, example name@yourmaindomainname.com. The other Domain names help you with Search Engine Submissions.